A 5P medicine program for intracranial aneurysm and stroke

The ambition of NEUROVASC is to set up an optimal digital ecosystem to develop predictive tools/models for 5P medicine against ICA and stroke outcome, relying mostly on the distinctive resources developed by the French clinical network in neuroradiology.

BiRD is involed in :

  • organizing a model of interoperable infrastructure at the interface between research and healthcare for the management of datasets on ICA in secured computing environments, with emphases to phenotypes (native images) and genotypes (pre-processed genetic profiles). (WP1)
  • setting the ground for multimodal data integration toward predictive models on ICA diagnosis and outcomes. We will create a secure technological demonstrator leveraging on guidelines and recommendations from international initiatives, but compliant with national requirements for the discoverability and sharing of phenotypic and genomic data. (WP2)

This project is coordinated by l’institut du thorax and funded by the French Reasearch Agency (PEPR SANTÉ NUMÉRIQUE Program)