BiRD bioinformatics hub,

an open facility supporting life scientists in managing, integrating, analyzing and modeling experimental data.

BiRD is located in Nantes, involving research labs in Biology, Health, and Digital sciences.



12 July 2024, BN Flash presentation Knowledge Graph - The BN network is organising its first “Flash presentation”, 12th July, 2pm to 3pm - Room 4 IRS-UN ‘Knowledge Graph’...

18 June 2024, User Forum - The annual user forum will take place in June the 18th at IRS-UN. All users of the computing infrastructures, pipelines,...

12 June 2024, BN Geek Corner Streamlit - The BN network is organising its first “Geek Corner”, 12th June, 2pm to 3pm - Room 4 IRS-UN ‘Streamlit: Creating...

Read more news on our news page.

Partnership in research projects logo

Partnership in research projects

RNAseq, whole genomes, data integration, open and reproducible sciences
Software development in Bioinformatics logo

Software development in Bioinformatics

SnakeMake and Nextflow workflows, Shiny data apps, FAIRification, etc.
Training in Bioinformatics logo

Training in Bioinformatics

Distributed computing, workflows, RNAseq
Storage and computing infrastructure logo

Storage and computing infrastructure

900+CPU shared cores, 1.PB of shared storage, cloud-based VMs